Search Engine Optimizing Services

Research has shown that more than 84% of online users do not click beyond the 1st page of Google or any search engine search results. If your company’s website is not on the 1st page of Google search, it is likely that your potential customers will not find you. Even if they are actively searching for products and services that you have, they will not come across your business search result.
Result never lie, my website on #1 page on Google for my targeted keyword.

Search Engine Optimizing (SEO) Clientele
One of my clients who are satisfied with the Search Engine Optimizing services I provide them is Hi Q Media (M) Sdn Bhd ( I managed to place five targeted keywords for them on the #1st page on Google. Those keywords are Due to a good ranking on Google, It brings more traffic to its website. More traffic means more business opportunities. They also save a lot of money as they do not need to advertise on google to drive traffic to their website.What is Search Engine Optimizing (SEO)?
Search Engine Optimizing (SEO) services include many processes and settings to ensure your website / specific page indexes better in search engines. This means this process will focus on how to get your website traffic from free, organic or natural search results in search engines.
For this service, I will ensure your website/pages are listed and get a good position on the search engine, so you do not need to spend more on google ads. More traffics to your website means more opportunities to convert a prospect into a customer! There is no meaning if you only pay a couple of hundred or thousand dollars, but no one can find you on a search engine. The prospect turns to a customer not only because your website is beautiful or bombastic but also how fast and easy they can find you on search engines.

Getting a better ranking in Google is not something easy. There are a lot of things that we need to focus especially all these items.
- Page Speed
- Page Title
- Metadata
- Keyword
- Link building
- Image alt tag
- Heading Tag
- Content Audit
But you need not worry about this!
I will take care of all these and many things to ensure your site index is better in Google.
So wait no more! Whatsapp me today for a free quotation.